How to Make a Carrot Flower?
Learning how to make a carrot flower doesn’t require many tools or a great deal of expertise, but it does require a little patience to get it right. Bring out your carrots, sharpen a small chopping knife, as we tell you how to make a perfect carrot flower.
- Chop a carrot into sections, roughly as long as your finger from the knuckle to the first finger joint.
- Choose a side and cut away the carrot in sections so that one side is flat and the other side is a cone-like shape – a bit like a spinning top.
- Then, working your knife down into the carved base, cut five even petal shapes around the carrot.
- Repeat the same step, but move higher, and remove any excess carrot behind each petal as you go.
- Once you have 5-6 layers of petals, you will have a big chunk left at the top, in the middle of your carrot flower. From here, use you knife to carefully cut away excess and carve smaller petals into the centre of your carrot flower.
- You’re done!